The pros and cons of sash jammers

Sash jammers are simple devices that can be fixed to uPVC windows and doors to give an extra level of security.

As the name suggests, a sash jammer will prevent the window or door from opening if an intruder tries to get in. They’re a practical, effective and inexpensive way of protecting your home.

The benefits of sash jammers

Sash jammers can be installed on most types of windows or doors.

You can get locking or non-locking types of sash jammer and they’re an effective option to give additional security by preventing windows and doors from opening in a potential break-in.

They’re easy to fit, unobtrusive and inexpensive. You can buy them from around £10, although it helps to have them fitted by a professional locksmith. The locking versions may cost slightly more, or you can opt for non-locking sash jammers.

They can be fitted to both inward and outward opening windows and doors.

The disadvantages of sash jammers

Some sash jammers are only for use when someone is at home as they can’t be locked from the outside. An advantage of having outside locking sash jammers is that it will stop you from being locked inside.

Sash jammers will wear out over time if they’re used constantly. With wear and tear, a sash jammer can loosen, and it’s then less secure. If a sash jammer drops after a door has been closed, you can find yourself locked out.

How to secure sash jammers

A highly secure sash jammers will bolt through the frame. You should be able to operate it from the outside – although it must be installed correctly to be able to do this.

Sash jammers are flexible devices and can be fitted to an array of doors and windows including uPVC, composite and wooden doors as well as French doors and patio doors.

Two sash jammers should be installed on a single door with one at the bottom and one at the top door. Larger French or patio doors would require four for each door with two at the bottom and two at the top.

Just one sash jammer needs to be secured to a single small window.

A visual deterrent to intruders

If someone is tempted to break into your property, a sash jammer is an extra obstacle to be overcome.

The sash jammer acts as a visual deterrent because an intruder will know it makes the window impossible to force. Instead, they’d be reduced to attempting to break the glass. This is not only noisy, it’s also dangerous and generally an impractical way to gain entry.

Ensure windows and doors have secure locks

Sash jammers are an additional layer of security to be used alongside strong British Standard approved locks. A sash jammer on its own wouldn’t be adequate and it should form part of your wider security measures.

Would you like free expert advice on how to secure your home?

Stuart will conduct a FREE security survey to assess your current home security and check for any points of weaknesses that need further protection.

To find out more, call Stuart on 07900 335525